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A centralized repository that provides policymakers with information and resources related to the startup ecosystem. to ain in making informed decisions about the creation and implementation of policies that support startups and promote innovation.

This toolkit is designed for forward-thinking policy innovators that want to transform their entrepreneurial ecosystems and support their governments with policy reform through deliberation and cutting-edge evidence.

The Ecosystem Observatory supports better insights into the strengths and weaknesses of entrepreneurship conditions in African countries. The aim is to identify areas for improvement to better support entrepreneurial ecosystems.

A guide for entrepreneurship policy-making processes, developed in collaboration with Smart Africa. The Guide offers a comprehensive series of steps that a policy maker could follow to develop, implement and monitor an entrepreneurship policy reform. This was developed in response to requests from policy makers across Africa.

This document guides African policymakers in creating effective policies to enhance their ICT start-up and innovation ecosystems. It offers practical advice and a value-based framework for developing national pro-ICT start-up and innovation policies tailored to the African context. Drawing on real experiences and recent policy research, the toolkit provides a roadmap for developing coherent, integrated policies through a participatory process. It can be used independently or with tailored assistance